AIDA Antidoping Seminars: Therapeutical Use Exemption (TUE)

In many situations, the freediver may have a disease or condition that requires the use of substances listed on the World Anti-Doping Agency’s Prohibited List. In 2014, AIDA adapted New Antidoping rules and could grant a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) fully in compliance with the World Anti-Doping Agency International Standard for TUEs. The TUE application process is created to balance athletes` need to be medically treated while protecting the rights of clean athletes. This is another crucial step in showing that AIDA is ready to comply with the World Antidoping Code and international standards.
27th April 16:00 UTC
From Dr. Nenad Dikic and Dr. Marija Andjelkovic, experts of the CLEAN GAME and CENTER FOR SPORTS NUTRITION AND SUPPLEMENTATION, with expertise in clinical pharmacology, sports nutrition, supplementation, and anti-doping.
The link for the recorded seminar is found here
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