AIDA Doping Seminars

AIDA entered with new anti-doping rules, fully in line with the World Antidoping Code and all WADA international standards.
A new anti-doping page has been published with detailed information on all topics related to anti-doping. Finally, the first group of judges and competition stuff of AIDA completed the course for Doping Control Officers and thus acquired the ability to conduct doping controls at AIDA competitions, as well as out of the competition for the period of next two years.
The first course for athletes covering essential information about anti-dopin rules and procedures was held on 17th February2024. Following courses are: 23rd of March - Dietary Supplements and doping in freediving; 27th of April - ``Therapeutic Use Exemption`` (more information will follow. Link for the seminar will be published in info dash board in your AIDA profile). Within a program of antidoping activities for 2024, AIDA will conduct research into the use of benzodiazepines in freediving.