AIDA follows the IOC recommendation on sanctionning Russia and Belarus

AIDA Provides Support to AIDA Ukraine
In response to recent events taking place in Ukraine, AIDA is extending its support to impacted instructors, athletes, and judges.
AIDA will provide the following to support AIDA Ukraine:
- one year of free renewal for AIDA Ukraine
- one year of free renewal for instructors and one grace year (2022 to be excluded from the period they must teach a minimum number of students)
- one grace year for the judges (2022 to be excluded from two years periods when they must judge competitions)
- free certifications for a period of 12 months as soon as they can re-start teaching
- cancel competition fee 2 EUR per start as soon as they can organize competitions (every first competition in every region).
The safety and well-being of our fellow freedivers are of great importance to AIDA. Our thoughts go out to the people of Ukraine, and we hope for a swift end to this conflict.
AIDA Assembly Vote on Russian and Belarusian Athlete Participation
AIDA follows the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in condemning the actions taken by the governments in Russia and Belarus against Ukraine.
The following recommendations were presented by the IOC Executive Board:
- To protect the integrity of global sports competitions and for the safety of all the participants, the IOC EB recommends that International Sports Federations and sports event organisers not invite or allow the participation of Russian and Belarusian athletes and officials in international competitions.
- Wherever this is not possible on short notice for organisational or legal reasons, the IOC EB strongly urges International Sports Federations and organisers of sports events worldwide to do everything in their power to ensure that no athlete or sports official from Russia or Belarus be allowed to take part under the name of Russia or Belarus. Russian or Belarusian nationals, be it as individuals or teams, should be accepted only as neutral athletes or neutral teams. No national symbols, colours, flags or anthems should be displayed.
The AIDA Assembly is holding a vote starting on 2 March 2022 to implement those recommendations.
Individuals can send their votes to their respective AIDA National, who will then transmit the overall result of their country to AIDA at the end of the voting period.
The official AIDA Voting Session: IOC Sanctions Against Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus can be found here: