NAME: Enrico Fabian

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Level: Instructor

  • Email: Show Contact

  • Teaches:

    AIDA Youth, AIDA1, AIDA2 Pool, AIDA2, AIDA3 Pool, AIDA3, AIDA Monofin Freediver, Aida Junior, AIDA Pool Competition Safety by Vertical Blue - Professional Safety Freediver®, AIDA Depth Competition Safety by Vertical Blue - Professional Safety Freediver®

  • Short Brief:

    My love for being in and especially
    under water is something that I
    discovered from an early age onward.

    For me the passionate journey of
    breath holding began during my
    studies as I discovered freediving.
    During these years I explored not only
    the pools of Berlin but also the depths
    of regional lakes and dive centers.

    After moving to Singapore and so
    finally being able to enjoy the warmer
    waters, I began training, coaching and teaching with A42 (Apnea42) as an instructor
    where, till today, I constantly strive to
    inspire exchanges of personal
    (freediving) experiences and
    knowledge with everyone interested.

  • Instructor Activity Status: Active

  • Instructor Since: 18.03.2022

  • Citizenship: Germany

  • Address: Singapore, Singapore

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Certified Students

  • AIDA2: 36

  • AIDA2 Pool: 34

  • AIDA3: 9

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