NAME: Marianna Patané

AIDA logotype

Level: Instructor

  • Email: Show Contact

  • Teaches:

    AIDA1, AIDA2 Pool, AIDA2, AIDA3 Pool, AIDA3, AIDA Monofin Freediver, AIDA Pool Competition Safety by Vertical Blue - Professional Safety Freediver®, AIDA Depth Competition Safety by Vertical Blue - Professional Safety Freediver®

  • Short Brief:

    Specialized in correction of technique and mental training as I come from a past of lots of hours in the water as a competitor swimmer.
    Interested in Psichology, teaching freediving with attention to "good feelings"! Looking for your flow in the water!!
    We offer, to complete the courses, to join uor freediving adventures to visit the shipwrecks, the uw musem, and the night snorkeling.
    Get ready to find your flow in my school OCEANICA.

  • Instructor Activity Status: Active

  • Instructor Since: 03.06.2023

  • Citizenship: Italy

  • Address: ,

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Certified Students

  • AIDA1: 2

  • AIDA2: 5

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