NAME: Pim Vermeulen

Level: Instructor Trainer
Email: Show Contact
AIDA1, AIDA2 Pool, AIDA2, AIDA3 Pool, AIDA3, AIDA4, Pool Instructor, Instructor, AIDA Monofin Freediver, Junior Judge (E pool & depth), Junior Judge (E pool & depth), Junior Judge (E pool), Junior Judge (E depth), UPGRADE to E pool, UPGRADE to E depth, Senior Judge (D pool & depth), Senior Judge (D pool & depth), Judge refresher course, Judge refresher course, CEC (continues education course), AIDA Pool Competition Safety by Vertical Blue - Professional Safety Freediver®, AIDA Depth Competition Safety by Vertical Blue - Professional Safety Freediver®
Short Brief:
AIDA Instructor trainer and Judge instructor since 2001, AIDA Judge Responsible. Executive Board member for 16 years (Technical Officer), founder of AIDA Netherlands and AIDA Egypt, coach / trainer for several WR holders. -
Instructor Activity Status: Active
Instructor Since: 06.01.2011
Citizenship: Netherlands
Address: Sharm el Sheijk, Egypt
upcoming Courses
No Upcoming courses
Certified Students
AIDA Competition Freediver: 7
AIDA Deep Tank Freediver: 6
AIDA Depth Competition Safety by Vertical Blue - Professional Safety Freediver®: 4
AIDA Pool Competition Safety by Vertical Blue - Professional Safety Freediver®: 2
AIDA1: 1
AIDA2: 20
AIDA2 Pool: 9
AIDA3: 9
AIDA3 Pool: 1
AIDA4: 15
CEC (continues education course): 1
Deep Safety Diver.: 11
Instructor: 67
Judge refresher course: 1
Junior Judge (E pool & depth): 132
Pool Instructor: 1