Event Details

AIDA Adriatic Pool Trophy 2025

AIDA Adriatic Pool Trophy 2025

Start date: 2025-02-22
End date: 2025-02-23
Location: Bazeni Kantrida, Rijeka, Croatia
Event Type: Pool Competition
Organizer: Vitomir Maričić
Additional info: Adriatic pool Trophy 2025 edition will be the national championship of Croatia starting fee: 200 EUR 2 days - choose 4 disciplines winner by each discipline and overall winner by most points in different disciplines will be announced. Meeting point will be Bazeni KAntrida, Rijeka, Croatia. all interested can request more information or book spots on adriaticfreediving@gmail.com spots are limited. all documentation needs to be submitted online to the official email, and only when you receive the email confirming your reservation, you are registered. priority will have national athletes, but there is a reserved slot cluster for beginners, international, national which will be filled on first come first serve basis.
Disciplines: DYNB DYN DNF STA
Safety Qualifications: Standard safety team and lifeguard team
Safety plan: Standard safety plan for Bazeni Kantrida venue
Pool size: 50m
Maximum pool depth: 2m
Minimum pool depth: 1.8m
Main Judge: Mateja Radulovic
Assistant Judges: -
Warm-Up Safeties: -