Event Details

2024 Tamera AIDA Depth Festival

2024 Tamera AIDA Depth Festival

Start date: 2024-09-29
End date: 2024-09-29
Location: JMJ Dive Resort, Gangwondo, Republic of Korea
Event Type: Depth Competition
Organizer: Youngtae Kim
Additional info: Many experienced judges on the board.
Disciplines: CWT CWTB CNF FIM
Safety Qualifications: All above AIDA Master Diver(Certified Safety diver)
Safety plan: There will be 2 groups which contains 7 safety divers in a group; 4 for each official line and the rest of them for warm-up lines.
A medic on the board with two O2 providers and there will a rescuer speed boat aside of the main boat.
Maximum depth: 50m
Main Judge: Hyeonjeong Bang
Assistant Judges: Byoungse Jang, Eunsun Hwang