Event Details

2024 JEJU Freediving Masters AIDA Pool Freediving Competition

2024 JEJU Freediving Masters AIDA Pool Freediving Competition

Start date: 2024-09-20
End date: 2024-09-21
Location: Jeju Innovation City Complex Innovation Center, Seogwipo si, Jeju-do, Republic of Korea
Event Type: Pool Competition
Organizer: Seulkee Han
Additional info: -
Disciplines: DYNB DYN DNF STA
Safety Qualifications: All of the 10 Safeties are a higher level of AIDA Instructor and who have experience in many competitions.
Safety plan: An experienced emergency medicine nurse will be on standby with emergency oxygen.
Pool size: 50m
Maximum pool depth: 1.5m
Minimum pool depth: 1.5m
Main Judge: Bongjae(Jeff) Kim
Other Jury Members: Choongkwon Ko, Hyejung Kim, Seulkee Han
Assistant Judges: Jooyoung Chun, Seokwon Kang
Warm-Up Safeties: -