Event Details

AIDA Go Deep California - Weekend Two (Sunday)

AIDA Go Deep California - Weekend Two (Sunday)

Start date: 2024-09-14
End date: 2024-09-15
Location: Lake Berryessa, Napa, United States
Event Type: Depth Competition
Organizer: Monica Schmiede
Additional info: -
Disciplines: CWT CWTB CNF FIM
Safety Qualifications: Please note the exact depth of the lake is not yet confirmed as it depends on the evaporation rate during the summer. We expect the final depth to be between 65-80M.
Safety plan: Access to O2 on sites, vehicle available to transport one to the hospital which is a 10 minute drive from the dive site.
Maximum depth: 70m
Main Judge: Laura Melroy
Other Jury Members: Audrey Yang, Julie Pan, Monica Schmiede
Assistant Judges: -
Performance Safeties: Leslie Lamcke
Warm-Up Safeties: -