Event Details

AIDA Frozen Frog Static Challenge

AIDA Frozen Frog Static Challenge

Start date: 2024-02-18
End date: 2024-02-18
Location: Arriesjön, Vellinge, Sweden
Event Type: Pool Competition
Organizer: Vitomir Maričić
Additional info: -
Disciplines: STA
Safety Qualifications: Professional rescue lifeguard
Safety plan: Safety diver in water to perform diver recovery and to bring diver to poolside and perform BLS. There will be a medic at the poolside that can perform rescue breaths/CPR if needed. If the diver is still unconscious after 1 min an emergency evacuation plan will be activated. AED and First Aid Equipment on site.
Pool size: 50m
Maximum pool depth: 1m
Minimum pool depth: 1m
Other Jury Members: Hillevi Högström
Assistant Judges: -
Performance Safeties: Rip Davenport
Warm-Up Safeties: -