Event Details

AIDA Germany National Record Attempt CWT Sea

AIDA Germany National Record Attempt CWT Sea

Start date: 2023-08-25
End date: 2023-08-27
Location: Mediterranean Sea, tbc, Germany
Event Type: Depth Competition
Organizer: Arnd Steckenborn
Additional info: This is a German national record attempt.
It is limited to one diver and one dive on the 25.08.2023 with 26.08.2023 and 27.08.2023 as backup days.
Disciplines: CWT
Safety Qualifications: -Experienced safety divers with scooter
-Counter ballast system
Safety plan: - Oxygen on boat
- First aid responders on boat
- Less than 10 minutes boat ride to next medical access point
Maximum depth: 107m
Main Judge: Nejc Likar
Other Jury Members: Nikos Gkagkanis
Assistant Judges: -