Event Details

CANCELLED AIDA Circuit des 4 Epreuves ApneaCity 2021-22: 4e Epreuve CNF-FIM-CWTB En Équipe/ By Team

CANCELLED AIDA Circuit des 4 Epreuves ApneaCity 2021-22: 4e Epreuve CNF-FIM-CWTB En Équipe/ By Team

Start date: 2022-09-03
End date: 2022-09-04
Location: Flintkote Quarry, Thetford Mines, Canada
Event Type: Depth Competition
Organizer: Francois Leduc
Additional info: La dernière étape du Circuit des 4 Épreuves arrive enfin avec la 4e Épreuve en Équipe. Une formule unique inspiré des anciens championnats du monde AIDA International. Chaque équipe mixte formé de 3 femmes et 3 hommes s\`affronteront pendant deux jours de compétitions ou chaque athlète devra performer dans les trois disciplines de profondeur soit Poids Constant Sans Palmes (CNF), Immersion Libre (FIM) et Poids Constant bi-palmes (CWTB). L\`équipe gagnante sera déterminé par le total des points cumulés par l\`ensemble de l\`équipe dans les 3 disciplines. (ATTENTION: Limite de 5 équipes seulement! ) Le Circuit des 4 Épreuves ApneaCity 2021-22 consiste en une série d\`épreuves en apnée sportive à travers l\`année regroupant chaque discipline du sport. En piscine d\`abord: Apnée Statique(STA), Apnée Dynamique sans palmes(DNF) et Apnée Dynamique avec Palmes(DYN)et en profondeur: Immersion Libre(FIM), Poids Constant(CWT) et Poids Constant Sans Palmes(CNF). En plus du couronnement des gagnants pour chaque épreuve, l\`athlète féminin et masculin ayant cumulé les meilleures performances dans les 4 Épreuves sera courroné grand gagnant du Circuit des 4 Épreuves ApneaCity au terme de la dernière épreuve en profondeur qui aura lieu durant le weekend de la Fête du Travail 2022 à la carrière Flintkote à Thetford Mines. (ATTENTION: Limit of 5 teams only! ) The final event of the Circuit des 4 Épreuves ApneaCity 2021-22 is finally here with the 4th Épreuve in Team. A unique formula inspired by AIDA International former Team World Championship where mix teams of 3 women and 3 men will compete for the first place during two days of competition where each athlete will perform in three disciplines Constant No Fins (CNF), Free Immersion (FIM) and Constant Weight Bi-fins (CWTB). The Circuit des 4 Épreuves ApneaCity 2021-22, consists of a series of freediving events throughout the year, regrouping each discipline of the sport. First in the swimming pool: Static Apnea(STA), Dynamic no fins(DNF) and Dynamic with fins(DYN) and in depth: Free Immersion(FIM), Constant Weight(CWT) and Constant Weight no fins(CNF). In addition to the crowning of the winners in each event, the male and female athlete with the best performances in the 4 events cumulative, will be crowned winner of the Circuit ApneaCity Events at the end of the last event for depth disciplines that will be hosted at the Flintkote quarry in Thetford Mines during Labor day Weekend 2022.
Disciplines: CWTB CNF FIM
Safety Qualifications: Safety plan:Emergency contact: Ambulance 911 ou 1-800-361-3010 Urgence médicale en plongée 1-888-835-7121 Service de médecine hyperbare, Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis 418-835-7121 #3812 Cell. : 418-835-7214 Centre Hospitalier de Thetford-Mines 418-338-7777 Centre hospitalier Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis 418-835-7121 Sûreté du Québec 418-423-3151 In-water safety o Will be handled by the safety team o 2 team members/competitor o Blackout protocol calls for 5min on pure oxygen under supervision of safety coordinator/Medic • Out-of-water o Medic on site dedicated solely to the supervision of our event. They will be briefed by our head of safety so that they understand the conduct of proceedings of the event. o On land safety staff will be briefed in case of emergency so that they can provide support and directions for the paramedics. o In the event of a major emergency (unresponsive diver), the competitor will be transferred to the Safety coordinator/Medic who will initiate the emergency protocols (911, CPR…) 3. Equipment • Oxygen tank • AED • Spinal board • Pocket masks and first aid kit
Safety plan: Safety plan:Emergency contact: Ambulance 911 ou 1-800-361-3010 Urgence médicale en plongée 1-888-835-7121 Service de médecine hyperbare, Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis 418-835-7121 #3812 Cell. : 418-835-7214 Centre Hospitalier de Thetford-Mines 418-338-7777 Centre hospitalier Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis 418-835-7121 Sûreté du Québec 418-423-3151 In-water safety o Will be handled by the safety team o 2 team members/competitor o Blackout protocol calls for 5min on pure oxygen under supervision of safety coordinator/Medic • Out-of-water o Medic on site dedicated solely to the supervision of our event. They will be briefed by our head of safety so that they understand the conduct of proceedings of the event. o On land safety staff will be briefed in case of emergency so that they can provide support and directions for the paramedics. o In the event of a major emergency (unresponsive diver), the competitor will be transferred to the Safety coordinator/Medic who will initiate the emergency protocols (911, CPR…) 3. Equipment • Oxygen tank • AED • Spinal board • Pocket masks and first aid kit
Maximum depth: 80m
Main Judge: Guillaume Latzko-Toth
Other Jury Members: Francois Leduc
Assistant Judges: -
Performance Safeties: -
Warm-Up Safeties: -