Event Details



Start date: 2018-11-10
End date: 2018-11-12
Location: Apnea Canarias, Freediving Center, Radazul (Tenerife), Spain
Event Type: Depth Competition
Organizer: Santiago Jakas
Additional info: -
Disciplines: CWT CNF FIM
Safety Qualifications: All members of the safety team will have a freediving certification minimum level AIDA 3 and CPR + O2 provider
Safety plan: There is a more detailed safety plan document kept with the organizer and handed to local authorities for permit. LAYOUT: UNCONSCIOUS/UNRESPONSIVE BTT MOUTH-TO-MOUTH TRANSFER TO PLATFORM (SUPINE, PREPARE TO CUT WETSUIT) YES RESP? NO ASSIST O2 HEAD TILT/CHIN LIFT ATHLETE SITTING POSITION BVM/OPA/NPA , O2 100%, 16 BPM ? BLOOD: MECHANICAL SUCTION YES PULSE? NO/LESS THAN 30? MONITOR CAROTID CPR/AED: CUT WETSUIT, DRY CHEST OBSERVE, MONITOR, VS EVACUATE TO BEACH IF + PULSE : MUST HAVE PULSE CONSIDER INTUBATION (ETT? LMA? IV? MEDS?) EVACUATION TO HOSPITAL DOCUMENTATION: SUBJECTIVE TIME OF INCIDENT, HPI (HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS), QUOTES, AVPU (ALERT, VERBAL,PAIN,UNRESPONSIVE) OBJECTIVE VS (Vital Signs), HEENT (head, eyes, ears,nose, throat), NEURO EXAM (Glasgow Coma Scale), (Juani Valdivia’s Neuro exam),RESPIRATORY LUNG SOUNDS, CARDIAC QUALITY OF PULSE, SKIN COLOR, ABDOMEN TENDER, GENTITOURINARY INCONTINENCE, EXTREMTIES WEAK ASSESSMENT BO? SQUEEZE? DCS? RESPIRATORY ARREST? CARDIAC ARREST? PLAN OBSERVE? MONITOR? GROUND OR AIR EVACUATION? VS: GCS/Neuro Exam, RESPIRATORY RATE, PULSE, BLOOD PRESSURE, SAO2, q 5 MINUTES X 3, q 15 MINUTES X 4, then as needed. LMA: ADVISE SIZE 3 FOR FEMALE, SIZE 4 FOR MALE INTUBATION KIT: ENDOTRACHEAL TUBE S ADVISE SIZE 6, 7, 7.5, 8.0 AND MAC 3, 4 BLADES LIST OF EQUIPMENT: BASIC/ Platform equipment for Competition/Special Events 1. Four O2 E cylinders: two for emergency transport only; two for platform; may substitute DAN kit with JD cylinder and one E cylinder for platform. IMPORTANT: O2 demand regulator (SCUBA) and O2 dial flow regulator (prongs) require different valves on O2 tanks; two cylinders must have valves for demand regulator AND two cylinders must have valves for O2 flow regulators. 2. demand regulator (120 psi delivery, SCUBA type) to use for positive pressure O2 delivery 3. trauma shears to cut wetsuit 4. NPA nasal pharyngeal airway 5. OPA oral pharyngeal airway 6. whistle for emergency notification to beach or boat 7. pocket mask 8. bag valve mask with O2 reservoir and connector hose to O2 tank; extra detachable mask 9. O2 flow regulator (prongs) to dial O2 liter flow 1-15 LPM/use with CPAP mask, BVM 10. stethoscope 11. blood pressure cuff 12. AED (ZOLL, Physio-Control brand) with two sets of patches; batteries charged; durable for field use 13. portable/rechargeable mechanical suction device (Laerdal or Vacu-Aide brand) with yankauer tip and spare 14 French suction catheter; must be durable for field use 14. CPAP mask and connector hose for O2 delivery 15. O2 Sat monitor 16. Suitable cover to protect equipment from sun and water such as tarp, towel or box 17. nitrile gloves; personal protection equipment ADVANCED AIRWAY/Platform Paramedic/Physician kit 1. Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA) size 3 (30-50 kgm ), size 4 (50-70 kgm), size 5 (70-100 kgm) 2. Laryngoscope with size 3, and 4 MacIntosh Blade; extra bulbs 3. Endotracheal tubes (ETT): 7.0mm, 7.5mm, 8.0mm (two each) 4. lube; for LMA, ETT 5. ETT securing device or tape to secure ETT (keep dry) 6. Consider cervical collar and/or backboard for stable transport depending on conditions 7. intravenous (IV) catheters: 4 x 18g, 4 x 20 g 8. 500cc Normal Saline (NS) sterile x 2 9. 10 cc NS prefilled syringe x 4 for intravenous flush 10. 10 cc Syringe x 2 for cuff inflation: LMA, BVM mask, ETT 11. 10gtt IV tubing x 2 12. Medications (see below) 13. tape; preferably water proof to secure ETT, LMA, IV 14. alcohol swipes for cleansing IV site 15. contact information for ground/air evacuation NON-EMERGENT EQUIPMENT FOR BEACH 1. Otoscope/opthalmoscope; batteries 2. exam penlight for eye exam 3. reflex hammer 4. alcohol swipes to clean equipment after use 5. O2 Sat probe for follow up measurement 6. designated area for observation OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT 1. Backboard for secure transport of athlete STANDBY MEDICATIONS (discretion of paramedic/physician/health ministry of country) 1. Epinephrine 1:10,000 IV (cardiac) 2. dexamethasone 4mg/ml; IV (DCS) 3. lorazepam 1.5mg-3.0 mg dose allowance (seizure) 4. Other: Consider medications analgesia, sedation, paralytic and constant monitoring for intubated critical care patient
Maximum depth: 105m
Main Judge: Santiago Jakas
Other Jury Members: Omar Mourad
Assistant Judges: Sergio Soria
Performance Safeties: -
Warm-Up Safeties: -