Michael Kucera (Germany)

Competition Bests

Discipline Reported performance National ranking Continental ranking World ranking
STA 05'04'' #116
DYN 119 m #71
DYNB - - - -
DNF 108 m #41
CNF - - - -
CWT - - - -
CWTB - - - -
FIM - - - -

Recent Competitions

Competition Page Date
14th Berlin Championchip 2012/02/18
Long Night of Apnea 2011/11/19
13th German Night of Apnea 2010 2010/11/13
Suddeutsche Meisterschaften im Freitauchen 2010 2010/05/29
STA 05'04'' WR 11'35''
DYN 119m WR 307m
DNF 108m WR 250m